Weekly Random Links

3 biggest reasons why Bible reading is down

Apparently, Bible reading is way down in churches, and Biblica has dug into finding out why. Here’s what I learned at the conference I attended last week sponsored by Biblica (see here).
Bible reading is down because people read it
in fragments,
in isolation.


NT Wright and Justification as Re-Worked Election

The issue for NT Wright in his Paul and the Faithfulness of God is how Paul reworked and revised the Jewish doctrine of election, and to do so in a way that preserves God’s covenant with Israel and expands enough to include how Paul expands the people of God on the basis of faith in Christ. So, at the end of his long chapter, a chapter that focus on justification by faith, NT Wright summarizes and sums up what he thinks is going on in Paul’s mind when it comes to justification.


After Chapters and Verses

Current chapter and verse divisions obscure meaning because they often break up the units on which meaning relies. It doesn’t take a Bible reader long to realize that the chapter divisions can be nonsensical – why is the seventh day of the creation week in chapter 2 of Genesis? Why is the flood story, clearly a connected narrative, split up over several chapters, beginning in the middle of chapter 6? Why divide the call of Abraham in chapter 12 from the prologue to Abraham’s story in chapter 11?
