Jeremiah 14-17 Send them out of my sight, and let them go

From Jeremiah 14-17

JeremiahJeremiah extends Judah an offer of hope. The question is will they take it? No they wont. The LORD promises Jeremiah he will make him into an unassailable wall. They will rally against him, but they will not prevail. The LORD will save Jeremiah.

This post is part of my bible in a year series.

Passage and Comment

Today Jeremiah gave Judah another series of sobering judgments.

15 Then the LORD said to me, “Though Moses and Samuel stood before me, yet my heart would not turn toward this people. Send them out of my sight, and let them go! (Jer 15.1)

Those who know the story of the exodus know that after Israel created and bowed down to the golden calf the LORD was going to destroy them. Moses stood in the way and because of him the LORD relented (Ex 32.11-13). Samuel likewise interceded several times on behalf of Israel and Saul (1 Sam 7.9; 8.6; 12.23; 15.11). The LORD has had enough with Israel, he will not turn back to them. He will punish them and send them into exile.

2 And when they ask you, ‘Where shall we go?’ you shall say to them, ‘Thus says the LORD:

“ ‘Those who are for pestilence, to pestilence,

and those who are for the sword, to the sword;

those who are for famine, to famine,

and those who are for captivity, to captivity.’

3 I will appoint over them four kinds of destroyers, declares the LORD: the sword to kill, the dogs to tear, and the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth to devour and destroy. 4 And I will make them a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth because of what Manasseh the son of Hezekiah, king of Judah, did in Jerusalem. (Jer 15:2–4)

The people of Judah will suffer and be punished in a variety of different ways for their idolatry and sin. The LORD gives them another chance.

19 Therefore thus says the LORD:

“If you return, I will restore you, and you shall stand before me.

If you utter what is precious, and not what is worthless, you shall be as my mouth.

They shall turn to you, but you shall not turn to them.

20 And I will make you to this people a fortified wall of bronze;

they will fight against you, but they shall not prevail over you, for I am with you to save you and deliver you,

declares the LORD.

21 I will deliver you out of the hand of the wicked, and redeem you from the grasp of the ruthless.”  (Jer 15:19–21)

Jeremiah’s offer reveals the LORD’s character. He is not quick to punish and he gives opportunity for people to repent. He gives people second and third chances. He forgives.

The LORD always forgives those who turn to him and trust in his mercy.

Jeremiah extends Judah an offer of hope. The question is will they take it? No they wont. The LORD promises Jeremiah he will make him into an unassailable wall. They will rally against him, but they will not prevail. The LORD will save Jeremiah.

Story of Israel

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Sadly the writing is on the wall for Judah. They don’t obey the instruction to repent and the LORD is all too aware of how they live.

17 For my eyes are on all their ways. They are not hidden from me, nor is their iniquity concealed from my eyes. But first I will doubly repay their iniquity and their sin, because they have polluted my land with the carcasses. (Jer 16.17-18)

So he will repay them for their iniquity and sin. Invaders will come and put them to the sword. They will be taken away from their homes and sent to another land in slavery. They had the offer, but they didn’t take it.

Story of Jesus

Right into the early history of the gospel. Many of the Jews still continued in unbelief and sin. They killed Jesus, crucifying him on the cross and then rejected him as their risen Christ. Paul comments on their continued rejection of the LORD’s offer of hope in the gospel.

14 How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” 16 But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says,

“Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us?” (cf. Is 53.1)

17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ. 18 But I ask, have they not heard? Indeed they have, for

“Their voice has gone out to all the earth,

and their words to the ends of the world.” (cf. Ps 19.4)

19 But I ask, did Israel not understand? First Moses says,

“I will make you jealous of those who are not a nation;

with a foolish nation I will make you angry.” (cf. Dt 32.21)

20 Then Isaiah is so bold as to say,

“I have been found by those who did not seek me;

I have shown myself to those who did not ask for me.” (cf. Is 65.1)

21 But of Israel he says, “All day long I have held out my hands to a disobedient and contrary people.” (Rom 10:14–21)

The Gentiles believe in Jesus, but his own people did not receive him (Jn 1.11)

Copyright © Joshua Washington and thescripturesays, 2014. All Rights Reserved.
