Just to let people know, there are a number of different ways to read blogs and get a regular update on what is being written across the world.
There are a number of online reading applications. Once a preferred application is installed you can add sites to it to view. Generally its as easy as finding a website you like and looking to see if they have an icon like this one to the left. If they do click it and follow the instructions.
I do a lot of my reading from my android phone. The application I use is called ‘feedly’ Here is the link http://feedly.com/#welcome . Feedly gives you the ability to select and read from an unlimited number of blogs and sites. I’ve taken a screenshot to give you an example of what it looks like. I have never had an iPhone, but I know on Google Play feedly can be installed on your phone.

Email Subscription
A number of blogs including my own have the ability to have newly published blogs to be sent to email addresses. I get regular emails from a family called http://www.worthynews.com/. They send daily devotionals. I’ve always found them quite encouraging.