2 Tim 1.1-2; Introduction; Paul greets Timothy with grace, mercy and peace.
2 Tim 1.3-7; Prayer-Instruction; Paul gives thanks for Timothy who comes from a family of believers. He is to develop his gifts, not remain timid and remember this Spirit is of power, love and self-control.
2 Tim 1.8-14; Instruction-Teaching; Timothy should not be ashamed of the gospel. He should share in suffering for the gospel. Remembering he was saved by grace, not by works. Jesus abolished death and brought life to light through the gospel. Timothy should follow Paul’s teachings.
2 Tim 1.15-18; Dialogue; Paul describes peoplenwho have fallen away and others who have supported him when he needed it.
2 Tim 2.1-7; Instruction; Timothy is to equip others for ministry. He should be singleminded and disciplined. Seeking to please the Lord. If he works hard he will be rewarded.
2 Tim 2.8-13; Creed; Timothy should remember Jesus is a descendant of David who endured persecution. Jesus was raised from the dead. All this is in his gospel. This helps Paul in his current persecution. He knows he will be vindicated. Paul quotes an early Christian creed to this effect.
2 Tim 2.14-26; Instruction; Paul instructs Timothy on how to equip these people for life and ministry. Clean people are used for honourable ministry. So Timothy should pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace.
2 Tim 3.1-9; Instruction; Timothy is to avoid a whole range of sinners. There are some who deny the power that produces godliness. They are disqualified regarding the faith. People will see their folly.
2 Tim 3.10-17; Teaching-Instruction; Timothy has seen Paul’s example. All who desire a godly life in Christ will be persecuted. Evil people will get worse. But as for Timothy he should immerse himself in scripture for it is God breathed and equips people for good works.
2 Tim 4.1-8; Instruction; Paul charges Timothy with the duty to preach the word. Because not all will endure sound teaching. They will wander away. Paul’s time has come. He is confident he will be rewarded when Jesus judges.
2 Tim 4.9-18; Instruction; Timothy is to come to him with Mark as quick as he can. As he comes he should bring his cloak. Some people opposed Paul, but the Lord strengthened him. Paul is confident the Lord will rescue him from peoples evil deeds.
2 Tim 4.19-22; Close; Paul closes with greetings for various people and grace.