
58 Leviticus sacrifice

Heb 1.1-14; Prophecy fulfilled; God now speaks to us through his Son Jesus. Jesus is superior to the angels of the Old Testament as shown from the prophecies which point to him (Ps 2.7; Ps 89.26-27; Dt 32.43; Ps 104.4; 45.6-7; 102.25-27; 110.2).

Heb 2.1-4; Warning; Pay closer attention to the gospel preached at first by Jesus and now by the apostles. God has borne witness to it with miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Heb 2.5-18; Teaching-Prophecy fulfilled; God subjected to world to come under Jesus. Jesus was made man so he might taste death for everyone and become their high priest. Now he is not ashamed to call us brothers (Ps 22.22; 18.2; Isa 8.17; 12.2). Jesus helps those who are being tempted.

Heb 3.1-6; Instruction; The Author implores his listeners to consider Jesus. He has much more glory than Moses. Christ is faithful over God’s house as a son. Believers are his house if they hold fast to our confidence and boasting in hope.

Heb 3.7-4.13; Warning-Instruction; The author uses the story of the wilderness wanderings of Israel to warn his listeners about sinful disobedience and unbelief (Ps 95.7-11). Exhort one another daily that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. Believers have come to share in Christ if they hold on to their confidence firm to the end.

Heb 4.14-5.10; Teaching; Jesus is the Great High Priest. He has superseded the priestly offices of sacrifice and supplication. He is in the order of Melchizedek – King and Priest.

Heb 5.11-6.12; Warning-Teaching; The audience is immature and has not moved on in their faith. They are warned that those who fall away cannot be restored because they are holding Jesus in contempt. But the author has better expectations for the audience because of their work and love.

Heb 6.13-20; Teaching; God honours his promises. We have fled for refuge in the Lord and our hope has gone beyond the curtain. Jesus is our high priest after the order of Melchizedek.

Heb 7.1-10; Teaching; The author describes the Priestly order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek has no genealogy, he must be eternal. He received tithes from Abraham, he must be greater.

Heb 7.11-28; Teaching; Jesus is compared to Melchizedek. He has implemented a better covenant than the Levitical priesthood. Jesus has replaced the sacrificial system by offering up himself. The Lord has appointed a son who has been made perfect forever.

Heb 8.1-13; Teaching; Jesus is our high priest of a better covenant and the old covenant had problems. In times past it was prophesied the Lord would establish a new covenant, writing his laws on peoples hearts (Jer 31.31-34). The old covenant is now obsolete.

Heb 9.1-10; Teaching; The Earthly Holy Place of the first covenant awaiting the time of reformation.

Heb 9.11-28; Teaching; The blood of Christ offered by the eternal Spirit now purifies our conscience from dead works to serve the living God. Therefore Jesus has inaugurated the new covenant with his blood so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance. Jesus appeared once for all at the end of the ages to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself. He will come again to judge and save.

Heb 10.1-19; Teaching; The old covenant sacrifices could not make people perfect. But Jesus came in to do the Lord’s will (Ps 40.6-8). By a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified. God has written his laws on their hearts (Jer 31.33) and will remember their sins no more (Jer 31.34).

Heb 10.19-39; Instruction; In the light of Jesus and what he has done the audience is to hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering. Considering how to stir one another up to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together. If they go on sinning they can only expect judgment and vengeance from God. Their lives have shown the sincerity of their faith, but they need to endure so when they have done the will of God they will receive (Isa 26.20; Hag 2.6).

Heb 11.1-40; Teaching; Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. The author lists the lives and deeds of people who have lived in faith as an encouragement to his audience. The people he describes are Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David and Samuel and the prophets who through faith did many things.

Heb 12.1-2; Instruction; Surrounded by so many witnesses the audience is to let go of their sins (weights) and run with endurance, looking to Jesus the founder and perfecter of their faith. He endured the cross and is now seated at the right hand of God’s throne.

Heb 12.3-17; Instruction; Remember the hostility Jesus faced as you suffer the same. The Lord has addressed them as sons. They are receiving discipline because they are loved. Discipline is for their good, that they may share his holiness. Strive for peace, holiness and the grace of God. Avoid sins such as sexual immorality and  unholiness.

Heb 12.18-29; Teaching-Instruction; The have not come to Mt Sinai (as with the old covenant), instead they have come to Mt Zion and the city of the living God with all its citizens. So do not refuse the Spirit who is speaking. Be grateful for receiving the kingdom and offer God acceptable worship.

Heb 13.1-19; Instruction; Continue in love, show hospitality, remember those in prison and those who are mistreated. Honour marriage because God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Remain free of the love of money and be content. Remember leaders in the faith and in your prayers. Dont be lead astray by false teachings.

Heb 13.20-21; Benediction; The author prays for his audience in the name of Jesus that they be equipped to do his will. He works in them what is pleasing in his sight through Jesus Christ. Amen.

Heb 13.22-25; Close; The author gives some final greetings mentioning Timothy with grace.