The Gospel of John was written to persuade people to believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God (20:30–31). The opening verses declare that Jesus is God, stressing his unique relationship with God the Father. The book focuses on seven of Jesus’ signs (miracles), to testify to his identity as the Christ. Jesus called people to believe in him, promising eternal life. He proved he could give life by raising Lazarus (ch. 11) and by his own death and resurrection. John features Christ’s seven “I am” statements, his encounters with Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman, his Upper Room teachings and washing of the disciples’ feet (chs. 13–16), and his high priestly prayer (ch. 17). The author was probably the apostle John, writing about A.D. 85. (The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2001). (Jn). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.)
Jn 1.1-18; Introduction; The Word Became Flesh
Jn 1.19-28; Prophecy fulfilled; The Testimony of John the Baptist (Isa 40.3)
Jn 1.29-34; Testimony; The Lamb of God will baptize with the Holy Spirit. He is the Son of God.
Jn 1.35-42; Story; Jesus Calls the First Disciples. They found the messiah.
Jn 1.43-51; Prophecy fulfilled; Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael. He is the Son of God, the King of the Jews.
Jn 2.1-12; Sign; The Wedding at Cana. Jesus’ glory, the disciples believe.
Jn 2.13-22; Conflict-Prophecy; Jesus Cleanses the Temple. Jesus predicts his death and resurrection.
Jn 2.23-25; Sign; People believe because of signs, but Jesus knows what is in man.
Jn 3.1-15; Teaching; Jesus tells Nicodemus ‘You must be born again’
Jn 3.16-21; Teaching; For God so loved the world that he sent his only Son
Jn 3.22-36; Story; John the Baptist Exalts Christ
Jn 4.1-45; Law abrogated, Worship and Sacrifice; Jesus and the Woman of Samaria. True worshippers will worship in Spirit and truth.
Jn 4.46-54; Sign; Jesus Heals an Official’s Son. He and his household believe.
Jn 5.1-17; Law abrogated, Sabbath; The Healing at the Pool on the Sabbath
Jn 5.18; Teaching; Jesus Is Equal with God. Jesus and the Father are both working.
Jn 5.19-29; Teaching; The Authority of the Son. People will listen to his voice. He will judge those who do good and those who do evil.
Jn 5.30-47; Story; John the baptist is a witnesses to Jesus. The Jews do not listen to God’s voice and Moses condemns them.
Jn 6.1-15; Sign; Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand. The prophet has come and they try to make him king by force.
Jn 6.16-21; Sign; Jesus Walks on Water and says ‘It is I, don’t be afraid’
Jn 6.22-59; I AM; Jesus says, ‘I Am the Bread of Life’
Jn 6.60-71; Teaching; The Spirit gives life, Jesus has the words of eternal life
Jn 7.1-24; Conflict; Jesus speaks to his family and attends the Feast of Booths. He instructs them to judge with right judgment.
Jn 7.25-31; Conflict; Can this be the Christ? Some believe, some don’t.
Jn 7.32-36; Conflict; Pharisees send officers to arrest Jesus. They don’t understand.
Jn 7.37-39; Prophecy fulfilled; Out of the believers heart will flow rivers of living water (Eze 47.1)
Jn 7.40-52; Conflict; Division Among the People. No one speaks like Jesus.
Jn 7.53-8.11; Story; The Woman Caught in Adultery
Jn 8.12-30; I AM; Jesus says, ‘I Am the Light of the World’. Unless the Pharisees believe, they will die in their sins.
Jn 8.31-38; Conflict; Jesus says, ‘The Truth Will Set You Free’. Everyone who practices sin is a slave to sin, but the son sets people free.
Jn 8.39-47; Conflict; Jesus tells the Pharisees ‘You are of Your father the Devil’ and ‘whoever is of God, hears the words of God’. They are not of God.
Jn 8.48-59; I AM; Jesus says, ‘Abraham rejoiced that he would see my day. He saw it and was glad’ and ‘before Abraham was, I Am’
Jn 9.1-7; Authority-Healing; On the Sabbath Jesus heals a man born blind.
Jn 9.8-13; Story; People question the man on who healed him and take him to the Pharisees.
Jn 9.14-34; Law abrogation, Sabbath-Conflict; The Pharisees question the man and his parents. They don’t like his answers.
Jn 9.35-41; Conflict; Jesus finds the man and he believes in Him. Jesus condemns those who ‘see’ and have no excuse for not believing.
Jn 10.1-21; I AM; Jesus says, ‘I Am the Good Shepherd’. His sheep hear his voice, he calls them by name.
Jn 10.22-42; Conflict; The Jews question Jesus to see if he is the Christ. Jesus says, ‘I and the Father Are One’ so they try and kill him.
Jn 11.1-16; Story; Jesus waits until Lazarus dies so he can raise him
Jn 11.17-27; I AM; Jesus says, ‘I Am the Resurrection and the Life’. Everyone who believes He is the Christ the Son of God, has eternal life.
Jn 11.28-37; Story; Jesus deeply moved in spirit and troubled, weeps.
Jn 11.38-44; Authority-Life; Jesus Raises Lazarus
Jn 11.45-57; Conflict; The Jewish council is afraid Jesus’ popularity will cause the Romans to take away their place and nation. So they plot to kill Jesus.
Jn 12.1-8; Story; Mary anoints Jesus at Bethany. Judas complains.
Jn 12.9-11; Conflict; The plot to kill Lazarus because people were believing in Jesus.
Jn 12.12-19; Prophecy fulfilled; Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey (Zec 9.9)
Jn 12.20-26; Instruction; Some Greeks Seek Jesus. Jesus says those who would serve him must lose their life and follow him.
Jn 12.27-36a; Prophecy-Instruction; The Son of Man Must Be Lifted Up. Jesus says, ‘you must believe in the light to become sons of light’
Jn 12.36b-43; Prophecy fulfilled; The Unbelief of the People (Isa 53.1; 6.10)
Jn 12.44-50; Teaching; Jesus teaches about belief, rejection, judgment and eternal life
Jn 13.1-17; Instruction; Jesus ashes the Disciples’ Feet as an example for them to follow.
Jn 13.18-20; Prophesy; He who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me.
Jn 13.21-30; Prophecy fulfilled; Judas will betray Jesus (Ps 41.9)
Jn 13.31-35; Instruction; A New Commandment. ‘That you love one another as I have loved you’.
Jn 13.36-38; Prophecy; Jesus Foretells Peter’s Denial
Jn 14.1-14; I AM; I Am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus.
Jn 14.15-31; Prophecy-Instruction; Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit. Whoever has Jesus’ commandments and keeps them loves Jesus and will be loved by the Father.
Jn 15.1-17; I AM; I Am the True Vine. Every branch that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes. Abide in Jesus to bear fruit.
Jn 15.18-16.4a; Prophecy fulfilled; The Hatred of the World. Hates Jesus and those who follow him (Ps 35.19).
Jn 16.4b-15; Teaching; The Work of the Holy Spirit. convicting the world of sin, righteousness and judgment
Jn 16.16-24; Teaching; Your Sorrow Will Turn into Joy. Ask and you will receive that your joy may be full
Jn 16.25-33; Teaching; You will have tribulation, but take heart I Have Overcome the World
Jn 17.1-26; Prayer; The High Priestly Prayer
Jn 17.1-5; Jesus asks the Father to glorify him
Jn 17.6-19; Jesus prays for the disciples
Jn 17.20-26; Jesus prays for those who believe the disciples word
Jn 18.1-11; Story; Judas betrays and is used to have Jesus arrested
Jn 18.12-14; Story; Jesus Faces Annas and Caiaphas
Jn 18.15-18; Prophecy fulfilled; Peter Denies Jesus (Jn 13.36-38)
Jn 18.19-24; Story; The High Priest questioned Jesus. One of the officers strike Jesus.
Jn 18.25-27; Prophecy fulfilled; Peter Denies Jesus Again. The rooster crowed (Jn 13.36-38)
Jn 18.28-32; Story; Jesus Before Pilate
Jn 18.33-40; Story; Jesus says, ‘My Kingdom Is Not of This World’
Jn 19.1-16a; Story; Jesus Delivered to Be Crucified. The Jews want to crucify him because he made himself to be the Son of God,
Jn 19.16b-27; Prophecy fulfilled; Jesus is crucified. Above his head the inscription ‘Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews’. The soldiers cast lots for his clothing (Ps 22.18)
Jn 19.28-30; Story; The death of Jesus.
Jn 19.31-37; Prophecy fulfilled; Jesus’ side is pierced and out came blood and water. Not one of his bones will be broken (Ex 12.46; Num 9.12).
Jn 19.38-42; Story; Jesus is buried. Bound with linen cloths and spices.
Jn 20.1-10; Prophecy fulfilled; Jesus has been raised (Ps 16.10). Mary Magdalene, Peter and John visit the empty tomb. The linen cloths are folded up.
Jn 20.11-18; Story; Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene. She goes and tells the disciples.
Jn 20.19-23; Story; Jesus Appears to the Disciples. Jesus breathed on them and said ‘receive the Holy Spirit’. Johnaine Pentecost. Thomas was not present. (First appearance)
Jn 20.24-29; Story; Jesus appears to the disciples and Thomas. Thomas believes. (Second appearance)
Jn 20.30-31; Intention; The Purpose of This Book. These are written so people may believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing may have lie in his name.
Jn 21.1-14; Story; Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples. They were fishing. (Third appearance)
Jn 21.15-19; Story; Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves him. Peter was grieved. Jesus says follow me.
Jn 21.20-25; Story; Jesus is asked about the beloved apostle. The author of this book.