
29 Joel wordle

Joel 1.1-12; Judgment; A plague of locusts will come and eat everything

Joel 1.13-20; Exhortation; Repent for the day of the Lord is near

Joel 2.1-11; Judgment; The day of the Lord is great and very awesome, who can endure it?

Joel 2.12-17; Exhortation; Return to the LORD, for he is gracious and merciful, and he relents over disaster

Joel 2.18-27; Prophecy; The LORD will restore what that the swarming locust has eaten, the LORD’s army

Joel 2.28-32; Prophecy; The LORD will pour out his Spirit. Those who call on the name of the LORD shall be saved.

Joel 3.1-16; Judgment; The LORD will gather all the nations and enter into judgment with them

Joel 3.17-21; Prophecy; The mountains shall drip sweet wine, the streambeds of Judah shall flow with water
