Exodus tells of God fulfilling his promise to Abraham by multiplying Abraham’s descendants into a great nation, delivering them from slavery in Egypt, leading them to the Promised Land, and then binding them to himself with a covenant at Mount Sinai. Moses, under the direct command of God and as leader of Israel, received the Ten Commandments from God, along with other laws governing Israel’s life and worship. He also led the nation in the building of the tabernacle, a place where God’s presence dwelled among his people and where they made sacrifices for sin. Traditionally, Jews and Christians recognize Moses as the author, writing sometime after the Exodus from Egypt. (The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2001). (Ex). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.)
Ex 1.1-7; Story; Recap of the end of Genesis, the story continues
Ex 1.8-22; Story; The Egyptians were on dread of the multiplying Hebrews. Hebrews put in slavery.
Ex 2.1-10; Story; Moses is born and drawn out of the water
Ex 2.11-15; Story; Moses flees to Midian
Ex 2.16-22; Story; Moses saves the flock and gets a wife
Ex 2.23-25; Story; God heard Israels cries in slavery and remembers his covenant
Ex 3.1-8; Story; God renews his promises
Ex 3.9-22; Story; God instructs Moses to go back to Egypt and rescue his people
Ex 4.1-17; Story; Moses tries to get out of Gods request
Ex 4.18-23; Story; Moses is to return and command the release of Israel God’s firstborn son
Ex 4.24-26; Story; The LORD tries to kill Moses because his son was uncircumcised
Ex 4.27-31; Story; Moses and Aaron tell Israel and the people believe
Ex 5.1-23; Story; Pharaoh rejects the LORDs demands and places greater burdens on Israel
Ex 6.1-13; Story; The LORD promises deliverance and sends Moses in again
Ex 6.14-27; Genealogy; The family record of Moses and Aaron
Ex 6.28-30; Story; Recounting the LORD’s commission of Moses and Moses protest
Ex 7.1-13; Story; Moses and Aaron confront Pharaoh again
Ex 7.14-25; Story; Plague 1, God turns the Mile river into blood. Pharaoh remains hardened
Ex 8.1-15; Story; Moses confronts, Plague 2, God brings frogs, Pharaoh relents, but later hardens
Ex 8.16-19; Story; Plague 3, God brings gnat’s, Pharaoh remains hardened
Ex 8.20-32; Story; Moses confronts, Plague 4, God brings flies, except Israel, Pharaoh relents, but later hardens
Ex 9.1-7; Story; Moses confronts, Plague 5, God brings livestock plague, except Israel, Pharaoh remains hard
Ex 9.8-12; Story; Plague 6, God gives the Egyptians boils on their skin, Pharaoh remains hardened
Ex 9.13-35; Story; Moses confronts, Plague 7, God sends hail, except on Israel, Pharaoh relents, later hardens
Ex 10.1-2; Story; The LORD commands Moses to go to Pharaoh again
Ex 10.3-6; Story; Moses confronts Pharaoh
Ex 10.7-11; Story; Moses called back into Pharaoh and they negotiate unsuccessfully
Ex 10.12-20; Story; Plague 8, God sends locusts, Pharaoh relents, later hardens
Ex 10.21-23; Story; Plague 9, God sends a great darkness for three days
Ex 10.24-29; Story; Moses and Pharaoh unsuccessfully negotiate, the LORD hardened Pharaoh’s heart
Ex 11.1-3; Story; The LORD commands Moses to prepare Israel for leaving Egypt
Ex 11.4-10; Story; Moses confronts Pharaoh predicting the LORD’s last plague
Ex 12.1-13; Story; The LORD instructs Moses regarding the first Passover feast
Ex 12.14-20; Law; Passover and the Feast of Unleavened bread to remember deliverance from Egypt
Ex 12.21-28; Story; Moses instructs the people about the Passover, the people do as commanded
Ex 12.29-36; Story; Plague 10, God struck down all the unprotected firstborn, the people of Israel leave
Ex 12.37-42; Story; Israel’s journey begins, summary of important facts, including 430 years in Egypt
Ex 12.43-51; Law; Passover reiterated with more detail
Ex 13.1-2; Law; The LORD commands Moses to consecrate all the firstborn. The firstborn are the LORDs
Ex 13.3-10; Law; Festival of unleavened bread to commemorate coming out of Egypt
Ex 13.11-16; Law; Consecration of the firstborn as a sign and remembrance of their deliverance from slavery
Ex 13.17-22; Story; The LORD guides Israel as a Pillar of Cloud and Fire
Ex 14.1-9; Story; Pharaoh pursues Israel
Ex 14.10-14; Story; Israel fears Pharaoh and regrets leaving Egypt
Ex 14.15-31; Story; The LORD saved Israel passing through the red sea and destroys Pharaoh
Ex 15.1-21; Story; The song of Moses about the LORD’s victory and salvation
Ex 15.22-27; Story; Bitter water made sweet, the LORD commands the people to listen and obey with a promise
Ex 16.1-3; Sin-Story; The people grumble at the LORD thinking Egypt was better
Ex 16.4-36; Sin-Law; The LORD hears Israel’s grumbling and gives them a law to test them. They fail.
Ex 17.1-7; Sin-Story; The people grumble against the LORD and he gives them water from the rock
Ex 17.8-16; Story; Israel defeats Amalek by Moses raising his hand
Ex 18.1-9; Story; Moses recounts to Jethro (his father in law) how the LORD saved them from Egypt
Ex 18.10-12; Story; Jethro blesses the LORD and makes a burnt offering
Ex 18.13-27; Story; Moses on Jethro’s advice delegates some judgement responsibility
Ex 19.1-6; Story; Israel comes to the wilderness of Sinai and the LORD says his people shall be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation
Ex 19.7-15; Story; The LORD says he will come down on the third say so Israel should be consecrated
Ex 19.16-25; Story; The LORD comes down on the third day and warns the people to remain separate
Ex 20.1-17; Law; The LORD gives the Ten Commandments
- You shall have no other gods before me
- You shall not make carved images or likeness of any god and serve them
- You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain
- Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy (creation and salvation)
- Honor your father and mother, promise that your days may long in the land God is giving
- You shall not murder
- You shall not commit adultery
- You shall not steal
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour
- You shall not covet what your neighbour has
Ex 20.18-21; Story; The people fear the LORD, Moses says God is testing them so they may not sin
Ex 20.22-23; Law; Repeated Law on worshipping other gods
Ex 20.24-28; Law; Laws about altars, sacrifices and offerings
Ex 21.1-11; Law; Laws about bondservants
Ex 21.12-27; Law; Laws about human rights
Ex 21.28-36; Law; Laws about agriculture
Ex 22.1-15; Law; Punishments and Restitution for damage to others
Ex 22.16-23.9; Law; Miscellaneous laws for a variety of occurrences, Social Justice laws
Ex 23.10-19; Law; Repeated Laws about Sabbaths and Festivals
Ex 23.20-22; Story; The LORD will send an angel before them to bring them into the promised land (cf. Joshua)
Ex 23.23-33; Story; Blessings for obedience and warnings about upcoming temptations
Ex 24.1-8; Story; Moses repeats all the laws to the people, they agree and come under the blood of the covenant.
Ex 24.9-18; Story; Moses and Joshua head up onto Mt Sinai to receive the tablets from God.
Ex 25.1-9; Story; A contribution for the tabernacle that the LORD may dwell in their midst.
Ex 25.10-22; Story; Instructions for the Ark of the Covenant (Law) and mercy seat
Ex 25.23-30; Story; Instructions for the Bread Table
Ex 25.31-40; Story; Instructions for the Golden Lampstand
Ex 26.1-37; Story; Instructions for the Tabernacle (Tent of Meeting)
Ex 27.1-8; Story; Instructions for the Bronze Altar
Ex 27.9-19; Story; Instructions for the Court of the Tabernacle
Ex 27.20-21; Story; Instructions to keep an ongoing supply of Oil for the Lamp
Ex 28.1-43; Law; The Priests Garments.
- Breastpiece (of judgement),
- Urim and Thummim (v30),
- Ephod (names of the sons of Israel),
- Golden bell and a pomegranate,
- Robe,
- Coat of checker work, turban,
- plate titled ‘Holy to the LORD’, and
- sash.
Ex 29.1-46; Law; Consecration of the Priests

Ex 30.1-10; Law; Temple Worship – Instructions for the Altar of Incense
Ex 30.11-16; Law; Temple Worship – Census Tax to be used for the tent of meeting
Ex 30.17-21; Law; Temple Worship – Bronze basin
Ex 30.22-38; Law; Temple Worship – Anointing Oil and Incense
Ex 31.1-11; Story; Oholiab and Bezalel commissioned to make all commanded of Moses
Ex 31.12-17; Law; Repeated Law – The Sabbath is a sign (for creation) and to be observed for all generations
Ex 31.18; Story; The LORD finished speaking to Moses on Mt Sinai and gave him the two tablets
Ex 32.1-14; Sin-Story; The people create and bow down to a golden calf, the LORD denounces them, and Moses intercedes
Ex 32.15-35; Sin-Story; Moses punishes the people and tries unsuccessfully to atone for them
Ex 33.1-6; Story; The people are commanded to go to the promised land, but the LORD will not go up among them
Ex 33.7-11; Story; Moses and Joshua speak with God at the tent of meeting
Ex 33.12-23; Story; Moses pleads that the LORD remain with them and the LORD makes all his goodness pass him
Ex 34.1-9; Story; The LORD writes on the second set of tablets, and passes by him describing his goodness
Ex 34.10-28; Law-Sin; The Covenant Renewed, Various laws reinstated
- Destroy all other forms of worship
- Do not make any gods of cast metal (cf. Golden Calf)
- Feast of Unleavened Bread
- Firstborn to be dedicated to the LORD
- Sabbath observance
- Feast of Weeks
- Feast of Ingathering
Ex 34.29-35; Story; The Shining face of Moses
Ex 35.1-29; Story; Moses passes on the LORD’s commands to Israel, including an offering for the tabernacle
Ex 35.30-35; Story; The LORD equips craftsmen for the construction of the Tabernacle
Ex 36.1-7; Story; The people are told to stop giving after giving more than enough for the work
Ex 36.8-38; Story; Making of the tabernacle
Ex 37.1-9; Story; Making of the Ark
Ex 37.10-16; Story; Making the Table
Ex 37.17-24; Story; Making the Lampstand
Ex 37.25-29; Story; Making the Altar of Incense
Ex 38.1-7; Story; Making the Altar of Burnt Offering
Ex 38.8; Story; Making the Bronze Basin
Ex 38.9-20; Story; Making the Court
Ex 38.21-31; Story; Summary of all the materials for the tabernacle
Ex 39.1-31; Story; Making the Priestly garments
Ex 39.32-43; Story; Summary of all they had made
Ex 40.1-33; Story; They put it all together forming the tabernacle
Ex 40.34-38; Story; The LORD enters the tabernacle and later guides Israel by cloud and fire