Leviticus begins with the people of Israel at the foot of Mount Sinai. The glory of the Lord had just filled the tabernacle (Ex. 40:34–38) and God now tells Moses to instruct the Levitical priests and the people of Israel concerning sacrifices, worship, the priesthood, ceremonial cleanness, the Day of Atonement, feasts and holy days, and the Year of Jubilee. The central message is that God is holy and he requires his people to be holy. The book also shows that God graciously provides atonement for sin through the shedding of blood. Traditionally, Jews and Christians recognize Moses as the author, writing sometime after the giving of the Law. (The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2001). (Lev). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.)
Lev 1.1-17; Law; Instructions for burnt offerings (atonement)
Lev 2.1-16; Law; Instructions for grain offerings (memorial)
Lev 3.1-17; Law; Instructions for peace offerings
Lev 4.1-35; Law; Instructions for sin offerings (forgiveness)

Lev 5.1-13; Law; Various instructions associated with the sin offering
Lev 5.1.14-6.7; Law; Various instructions associated with guilt offerings
Lev 6.8-30; Law; Various instructions associated with burnt offerings, grain offerings, anointings and sin offerings
Lev 7.1-18; Law; Various instructions associated with guilt offerings and peace offerings
Lev 7.19-21; Law; Instructions concerning touching unclean things
Lev 7.22-27; Law; Further instructions regarding Food laws and food offerings
Lev 7.28-36; Law; Further instructions regarding peace and wave offerings
Lev 7.37-38; Law; Summary statement for all the sacrifices and offerings
Lev 8.1-36; Story; Ordination of Aaron and his sons
Lev 9.1-21; Story; Aaron makes his offerings to the LORD
Lev 9.22-24; Story; The LORD accepts their offerings
Lev 10.1-3; Story; Aaron’s sons die after offering an unauthorized fire
Lev 10.4-7; Story; Moses advises caution lest God continue to pour out his wrath
Lev 10.8-11; Law; The LORD gives Atom instructions for alcohol, holy and clean items, and teaching
Lev 10.12-15; Story; Moses follows up with some offerings
Lev 10.16-20; Story; Explanation given as to why the sin offering was not eaten
- Animals (11.1-8),
- Fish (11.9-12),
- Birds (11.13-19),
- Insects (11.20-23),
- Requirements for dead animals (11.24-28),
- Unclean animals (11.29-38),
- Touching unclean animals (11.39-45),
- Summary statement (11.46-47)
Lev 12.1-8; Law; Purifications; Childbirth, circumcision, purification waiting, offerings presented
Lev 13.1-44; Law; Unclean laws; Skin diseases and management
Lev 13.45-46; Law; Instructions for those with skin diseases
Lev 13.47-59; Law; Unclean laws; Stained or soiled garments
Lev 14.1-32; Law; Cleanliness; Instructions for cleansing skin diseases
Lev 14.33-53; Law; Cleanliness; Instructions for cleansing houses
Lev 14.54-57; Law; Cleanliness; summary statement
Lev 15.1-30; Law; Cleanliness; Instructions for bodily discharges
Lev 15.31-33; Law; Cleanliness; summary statement
Lev 16.1-28; Law; Festival, Day of atonement, for Aaron, his house, his people, the holy place and tent of meeting.
Lev 16.29-34; Law; Festival, Day of atonement, frequency and summary statement
Lev 17.1-9; Law; Temple Worship, Instructions to only sacrifice at the tent of meeting
Lev 17.10-16; Law; Food and drink; Prohibition against drinking or eating blood
Lev 18.1-23; Law; Sexual immorality, Prohibitions against incest, Adultery, Idolatry, sodomy, bestiality
Lev 18.24-30; Law; Sexual immorality, warnings and summary statement
Lev 19.1-8; Law; Assortment of Laws, The LORD is Holy and some repetitions of previous laws
Lev 19.9-18; Law; Assortment of Laws, Love your neighbour as yourself
Lev 19.19-37; Law; Assortment of Laws, Keep my statutes. Some repetitions of previous laws
Lev 20.1-9; Law; Idolatry, laws against child sacrifice and sorcery
Lev 20.10-21; Law; Sexual immorality, punishments for offenses
Lev 20.22-26; Law; General reminder to be holy as the LORD and keep all the commands
Lev 20.27; Law; Sorcery, punishment for sorcery
Lev 21.1-24; Law; Priests, Instructions for how the priests are to live and marry
Lev 22.1-9; Law; Priests, Reminder they are not to serve unless they are clean
Lev 22.10-17; Law; Priests, Lay people and priests children
Lev 22.18-30; Law; Worship, Requirements for acceptable offerings
Lev 22.31-33; Law; Summary statement
Lev 23.1-44; Law; Festivals and Holidays,
- Introduction (23.1-2)
- The Sabbath (23.3)
- The Passover (23.4-8)
- The Feast of Firstfruits (23.9-14)
- The Feast of Weeks (23.15-22)
- The Feast of Trumpets (23.23-25)
- The Day of Atonement (23.26-32)
- The Feast of Booths (23.33-43)
Lev 24.1-4; Law; Priests; Instructions on maintaining the lamps
Lev 24.5-9; Law; Priests; Instructions for the bread of the tabernacle
Lev 24.10-23; Story-Law; Israelite, Egyptian son is stoned for blasphemy, eye for an eye rule
Lev 25.1-7; Law; Festival, The sabbath year
Lev 25.8-22; Law; Festivals and holidays, The jubilee year
Lev 25.23-34; Law; Property, Redemption of property
Lev 25.35-46; Law; Charity, Care for poor family members
Lev 25.47-55; Law; Charity, Care for poor strangers
Lev 26.1-2; Law; Repeated command not to worship idols and to maintain the Sabbaths
Lev 26.3-13; Law; Blessings for obedience
Lev 26.14-45; Law; Punishments for disobedience
Lev 26.46; Story; Reminder these are the statutes, rules and laws given to Moses on Mt Sinai
Lev 27.1-33; Law; Laws about vows and redeeming what is the LORD’s
Lev 27.34; Story; Reminder these are the commandments given to Moses on Mt Sinai