The Gospel of Luke is in the form of a letter to a man named Theophilus. Luke wrote after having carefully investigated all the facts about Christ (1:1–4). Luke documents Christ’s life from before his birth through his ministry, death, and resurrection. Jesus carried out his ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit, announcing the good news of salvation. He showed numerous times his compassion for the poor and the outcast. He fulfilled prophecy and carried out his purpose: to seek and save the lost. Luke gives the fullest account of Christ’s birth, and only Luke records the parables of the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son. Luke, a physician and a colleague of Paul, probably wrote this account in the early 60s A.D. He also wrote Acts. (The Holy Bible: English Standard Version. (2001). (Lk). Wheaton: Standard Bible Society.)
Lk 1.1-4; Introduction; Dedication to Theophilus
Lk 1.5-25; Prophecy; Birth of John the Baptist Foretold
Lk 1.26-38; Prophecy; Birth of Jesus Foretold
Lk 1.39-45; Story; Mary Visits Elizabeth
Lk 1.46-56; Story; Mary’s Song of Praise: The Magnificat
Lk 1.57-66; Prophecy fulfilled; The Birth of John the Baptist (Lk 1.5-25)
Lk 1.67-80; Story; Zechariah’s Prophecy
Lk 2.1-7; Prophecy fulfilled; The Birth of Jesus Christ (Lk 1.26-38)
Lk 2.8-21; Story; The Shepherds and the Angels
Lk 2.22-38; Story; Jesus Presented at the Temple
Lk 2.39-40; Story; The Return to Nazareth
Lk 2.41-52; Story; The Boy Jesus in the Temple
Lk 3.1-22; Story; John the Baptist Prepares the Way
Lk 3.23-38; Genealogy; The Genealogy of Jesus Christ
Lk 4.1-13; Story; The Temptation of Jesus
Lk 4.14-15; Story; Jesus Begins His Ministry
Lk 4.16-30; Prophecy fulfilled; Jesus Rejected at the synagogue at Nazareth (Isa 61.1-2; Ps 146.7-8; Isa 58.6)
Lk 4.31-37; Authority-Angels; Jesus Heals a Man with an Unclean Demon
Lk 4.38-41; Authority-Healing; Jesus Heals Many
Lk 4.42-44; Story; Jesus Preaches in Synagogues the good news of the kingdom
Lk 5.1-11; Story; Jesus Calls the First Disciples
Lk 5.12-16; Authority-Healing; Jesus Cleanses a Leper
Lk 5.17-26; Authority-Healing; Jesus Heals a Paralytic. Jesus forgives sins.
Lk 5.27-32; Story; Jesus Calls Levi the tax collector
Lk 5.33-39; Story; A Question About Fasting. His disciples don’t fast but John the baptists do.
Lk 6.1-5; Law abrogation, Sabbaths; Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath
Lk 6.6-11; Law abrogation, Sabbaths; Jesus heals a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath
Lk 6.12-16; Story; Jesus chooses the twelve apostles
Lk 6.17-19; Authority-Healing; Jesus Ministers to a Great Multitude
Lk 6.20-23; Teaching; The Beatitudes. The blessings.
Lk 6.24-26; Teaching; Jesus Pronounces Woes. The curses.
Lk 6.27-36; Instruction; Love Your Enemies
Lk 6.37-42; Instruction; Beware Judging Others
Lk 6.43-45; Teaching; You can tell good and evil trees by their fruit
Lk 6.46-49; Teaching; Build Your House on the Rock
Lk 7.1-10; Authority-Healing; Jesus Heals a Centurion’s Servant. The Centurion understands authority.
Lk 7.11-17; Authority-Healing; Jesus Raises a Widow’s Son
Lk 7.18-35; Prophecy fulfilled; Messengers from John the Baptist (Mal 3.1)
Lk 7.36-50; Story-Teaching; A Sinful Woman Forgiven
Lk 8.1-3; Story; Women Accompanying Jesus
Lk 8.4-8; Parable; The Parable of the Sower
Lk 8.9-15; Explanation; The Purpose of the Parables
Lk 8.16-18; Teaching; A Lamp Under a Jar. Take care how you hear.
Lk 8.19-21; Teaching; Definition, Jesus’ Mother and Brothers
Lk 8.22-25; Authority-Creation; Jesus Calms a Storm
Lk 8.26-39; Authority-Angels; Jesus Heals a Man with a Demon
Lk 8.40-56; Authority-Healing; Jesus Heals a woman who touched him and Jairus’s Daughter
Lk 9.1-6; Story; Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Apostles
Lk 9.7-9; Story; Herod Is Perplexed by Jesus
Lk 9.10-17; Authority-Creation; Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
Lk 9.18-20; Story; Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ
Lk 9.21-22; Prophecy; Jesus Foretells His Death
Lk 9.23-27; Instruction; Take Up Your Cross and Follow Jesus
Lk 9.28-36; Story; The Transfiguration of Jesus. Moses and Elijah appear.
Lk 9.37-43a; Authority-Angels; Jesus Heals a Boy with an Unclean Spirit
Lk 9.43b-45; Prophecy; Jesus Again Foretells His Death
Lk 9.46-48; Teaching; Who Is the Greatest? The one who is least.
Lk 9.49-50; Teaching; Anyone Not Against Us Is For Us
Lk 9.51-56; Story; A Samaritan Village Rejects Jesus. The disciples get rebuked.
Lk 9.57-62; Teaching; The Cost of Following Jesus
Lk 10.1-12; Story; Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-Two
Lk 10.13-16; Story; Woe to Unrepentant Cities
Lk 10.17-20; Story; The Return of the Seventy-Two
Lk 10.21-24; Story; Jesus Rejoices in the Father’s Will
Lk 10.25-37; Parable-Teaching; The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Lk 10.38-42; Story; Martha worries and Mary rests with Jesus
Lk 11.1-13; Teaching; Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray. The Lord’s Prayer
Lk 11.14-23; Authority-Angels; Jesus and Beelzebul
Lk 11.24-26; Teaching; Return of an Unclean Spirit
Lk 11.27-28; Teaching; True Blessedness is keeping the word of God
Lk 11.29-32; Judgment; This evil generation seeks a sign. It will be given the sign of Jonah.
Lk 11.33-36; Teaching; Be careful to keep the light in you by what you see.
Lk 11.37-54; Judgment; Woes to the Pharisees and Lawyers
Lk 12.1-3; Teaching; Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees
Lk 12.4-7; Instruction; Have No Fear of those who kill. Fear him who can cast into hell. You have value in God’s eyes.
Lk 12.8-12; Instruction; Acknowledge Christ Before Men
Lk 12.13-21; Parable; The Parable of the Rich Fool. Be rich towards God.
Lk 12.22-34; Instruction; Do Not Be Anxious
Lk 12.35-48; Instruction; Be ready for the Master is coming.
Lk 12.49-53; Teaching; Not Peace, but Division. Jesus will divide families.
Lk 12.54-56; Teaching; Interpreting the Time
Lk 12.57-59; Instruction; Settle with your accuser before judgment
Lk 13.1-5; Instruction; Don’t look at others. Repent or perish yourself.
Lk 13.6-9; Parable; The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree. It gets cut down.
Lk 13.10-17; Authority-Healing, Law Abrogation, Sabbath; Jesus heals a woman with a disabling spirit on the Sabbath
Lk 13.18-21; Parable; The Mustard Seed and the Leaven
Lk 13.22-30; Instruction; The Narrow Door into the Kingdom of God.
Lk 13.31-35; Story; Lament over Jerusalem
Lk 14.1-6; Law Abrogation, Sabbath; Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath
Lk 14.7-11; Parable; The Parable of the Wedding Feast
Lk 14.12-24; Parable; The Parable of the Great Banquet
Lk 14.25-33; Instruction; Be aware of the cost of discipleship
Lk 14.34-35; Teaching; Salt Without Taste Is Worthless
Lk 15.1-7; Parable; The Parable of the Lost Sheep. God searches.
Lk 15.8-10; Parable; The Parable of the Lost Coin. God searches.
Lk 15.11-32; Parable; The Parable of the Prodigal Son. God restores.
Lk 16.1-13; Parable; The Parable of the Dishonest Manager. Be clever with unrighteous wealth.
Lk 16.14-17; Conflict; The Law and the Kingdom of God
Lk 16.18; Teaching; Divorce and Remarriage. God and money.
Lk 16.19-31; Parable; The Rich Man and Lazarus. Convinced by resurrection.
Lk 17.1-4; Instruction; Temptations to Sin
Lk 17.5-6; Teaching; Faith like a mustard seed
Lk 17.7-10; Teaching; Unworthy servants have only done their duty
Lk 17.11-19; Authority-Healing; Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers. Only the Samaritan comes back to thank Jesus.
Lk 17.20-37; Prophecy; Predictions for the coming of the Kingdom
Lk 18.1-8; Parable; The parable of the persistent widow and the unrighteous judge
Lk 18.9-14; Parable; The self righteous Pharisee and the tax collector who is justified
Lk 18.15-19; Story; Jesus said let the children come to me
Lk 18.20-30; Instruction; The Rich Ruler asks how to inherit eternal life. Obey the commandments and give to the poor.
Lk 18.31-34; Prophecy; Jesus foretells His death and resurrection a third time
Lk 18.35-43; Authority-Healing; Jesus Heals a Blind Beggar
Lk 19.1-10; Story; Jesus and tree climbing Zacchaeus
Lk 19.11-27; Parable; The Parable of the Ten Minas. Serve the LORD.
Lk 19.28-40; Story; The Triumphal Entry
Lk 19.42-44; Story; Jesus Weeps over Jerusalem
Lk 19.45-48; Conflict; Jesus Cleanses the Temple
Lk 20.1-8; Conflict; The Authority of Jesus Challenged
Lk 20.9-18; Parable; The Parable of the Wicked Tenants. Jews out, Gentiles in.
Lk 20.19-26; Conflict; Jesus questioned on paying taxes to Caesar by insincere people.
Lk 20.27-40; Conflict; Sadducees Ask About the Resurrection
Lk 20.41-44; Prophecy fulfilled; Whose Son Is the Christ? (Ps 110.1)
Lk 20.45-47; Instruction; Beware the scribes.
Lk 21.1-4; Teaching; The Widow’s Offering. She gave all she had.
Lk 21.5-9; Prophecy; Jesus Foretells Destruction of the Temple
Lk 21.10-19; Prophecy; Jesus Foretells Wars and Persecution
Lk 21.20-24; Prophecy; Jesus Foretells Destruction of Jerusalem
Lk 21.25-28; Prophecy; The Coming of the Son of Man
Lk 21.29-33; Teaching; The Lesson of the Fig Tree. The signs will give warning of future events.
Lk 21.34-38; Instruction; Watch Yourselves, you will stand before the Son of Man.
Lk 22.1-2; Conflict; The Plot to Kill Jesus
Lk 22.3-6; Story; Judas to Betray Jesus
Lk 22.7-13; Story; The Passover with the Disciples
Lk 22.14-23; Prophecy-Instruction; Institution of the Lord’s Supper
Lk 22.24-30; Instruction-Prophecy; The disciples argue who Is the Greatest? Those who serve.
Lk 22.31-34; Prophecy; Jesus Foretells Peter’s Denial
Lk 22.35-38; Prophecy fulfilled; Scripture Must Be Fulfilled in Jesus (Isa 53.12)
Lk 22.39-46; Story; Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives
Lk 22.47-53; Story; Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus
Lk 22.54-62; Prophecy fulfilled; Peter Denies Jesus (Lk 21.31-34)
Lk 22.63-65; Story; Jesus Is Mocked
Lk 22.66-71; Story; Jesus Before the Council
Lk 23.1-5; Story; Jesus Before Pilate
Lk 23.6-17; Story; Jesus Before Herod
Lk 23.18-25; Story; Pilate Delivers Jesus to Be Crucified
Lk 23.26-43; Prophecy fulfilled; The Crucifixion (Ps 22.18)
Lk 23.44-49; Prophecy fulfilled; The Death of Jesus (Isa 53.12)
Lk 23.50-56; Story; Jesus Is Buried
Lk 24.1-12; Prophecy fulfilled; The Resurrection (Ps 16.10)
Lk 24.13-35; Story; On the Road to Emmaus
Lk 24.36-49; Story; Jesus Appears to His Disciples
Lk 24.50-53; Story; The Ascension